TOPic & Loong China reunited two separated scrolls via A Peace-Connecting Painting campaign

Taiwan hasn’t reunited with China’s mainland due to long-term political confrontation since 1949. Similarly, a celebrated Chinese painting is also separated, that is Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain, accomplished by Huang Gongwang in 1350 during the Yuan Dynasty. The idea behind the campaign created via TOPic & Loong was to make ‘A Peace-Connecting Painting,’ to reconnect the seperated painting pieces.
Unfortunately, the landscape painting was severed by fire into two halves by one of its collectors centuries ago. The central part of the painting is lost forever. At present, half of it is conserved at Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Chinese Mainland while the other half, at Taipei Palace Museum in Taiwan. People have the strong emotions for the reunion of the painting by peaceful means.
For this, TOPic & Loong brought these two separated scrolls from museum to mobile phone, and fulfilled the reunion of them.
TOPic & Loong used Baidu AI technology to learn the brushwork and style of the original painting Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain to complement the missing part of the painting.
Users can input some simple brush strokes that transform into landscape style patterns as the missing part to reunited the scrolls. Everyone can become a master of ancient Chinese landscape painting.
At Huang Gongwang’s memorial hall, tourists can merge the separated paintings together with mobile phones using Baidu AI technology. With just simple lines, AI brush connects paintings and emotions for peace.
The campaign has been widely covered by the national press, such as CCTV and People’s Daily and also by media from Taiwan. It has been reported by a total of 421 media outlet. On Weibo (social app), the campaign was listed among Top 3 trending topics. 260 million people have read the topic on social media, and nearly 1 million people participated in the creation. Users share their creations and give good reviews.
Agency: TOPic & Loong
Chief Creative Officer: Jacky Lung
Copywriter: Yuhang Li
Artist: PingYang Kong
Artist: Shan Kong
Account Manager: LiPin Yin