Directors Think Tank SEA welcomes Yoshimi Joya for South-East Asian representation

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Directors Think Tank SEA welcomes Yoshimi Joya for South-East Asian representation

Yoshimi Joya is a Tokyo-based filmmaker with a strong voice for films that shines a light on human endeavour – a skill that comes from a well-travelled background. Having lived and studied in Bournemouth, UK and travelled around the world as a backpacker for 4 years, this experience helped plant the seed for human stories. Upon being deeply impressed by the film Buffalo 66, discovered film-making and worked as an assistant to several film directors in Toronto, Canada.


Upon her return to Tokyo, she pursued her passion for storytelling and cinematic expression by enrolling at The Film School of Tokyo. Working from the ground up as a PA in the TV commercial industry, she has since honed her craft and developed a deep understanding of the art of filmmaking and human storytelling.

This came to the fore when she was nominated for Best Female Film Director for her short film ‘Be Happy Anyway’ in the Ladies for Cinema Project for the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia in 2022 – for work with a strong will and unique perspective from women.

With three well-received short films, a YouTube series and a burgeoning collection of commercials in her portfolio, her work is characterised by the same sense of wonder and discovery that captivated her when she first fell in love with filmmaking.

With a minimalist aesthetic, she continues exploring the human experience through intimate stories – stories that are crafted to resonate, that allow the audience to connect, through films that leave a lasting impression.

Maurice Noone, Co-Founder of Directors Think Tank, said: “We’re always keen to add talent with a visual flair, and we are ardent supporters of female talent, and we are eager to see what Yoshi will come up with next.”


Directors Think Tank SEA welcomes Yoshimi Joya for South-East Asian representation