Tinder celebrates LGBTQIA+ inclusivity as Thailand embraces marriage equality

Fun, safe and inclusive, Tinder celebrates diversity daily with 30% of all matches on Tinder today being between LGBTQIA+ users, an increase of 66% year on year.(1) As Thailand becomes the first country in Southeast Asia to legalise same-sex marriage, Tinder is proudly partnering with Naruemit Pride, as well as public and private sector organisations, to celebrate Thailand’s milestone Marriage Equality Bill and Marriage Equality Day on 23 January.
“At Tinder, we celebrate love in all its forms, and we’re always proud to support the LGBTQIA+ community in making meaningful connections,” commented Melissa Hobley, Chief Marketing Officer at Tinder. “We’re excited to be a part of this iconic moment in Thailand – the first country in Southeast to legalise same-sex marriage – and to celebrate marriage equality. Our Gen Z users are reshaping dating today, they recognise fluidity and openness as key tenets in healthy relationships and inclusivity is at the core of their beliefs. Tinder will continue to support online daters by creating opportunities to spark new connections for all, and we’re thrilled to see love being celebrated openly and equally in Thailand.”
With more than 50 gender identities and nine sexual orientations available globally, Tinder welcomes everyone and supports the LGBTQIA+ community in making new connections. Tinder data reveals there have been almost 7 billion LGBTQIA+ matches on Tinder to date and 28% of overall matches amongst 18-25-year-olds are between LGBTQIA+ users.(2)
Tinder enables users to express themselves freely and connect with like-minded people. According to a recent Tinder survey, 53% of those surveyed said they were out on a dating app prior to telling their friends and family, and 77% of those surveyed from the LGBTQIA+ community said they have used dating apps to meet a potential romantic partner(3) – underscoring Tinder’s importance as an inclusive space for the community.
In a recent survey by Tinder of the LGBTQIA+ community in Thailand, 100% said they met with someone they matched on a dating app and 50% had a meaningful relationship with someone they met on a dating app.(4)
Recognising how Tinder has an increasingly important role in dating today, Thai influencer Ratchakrit Pariyapunyapa (Turk Tk), who met his life partner on Tinder, said: “I have always believed in the importance of love being celebrated in all its forms, but as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community it’s not always easy. Meeting my life partner through Tinder was more than just a match—yes, it truly changed my life forever, but it was also a reflection of how far we’ve come in embracing diversity and inclusivity. Tinder provided a safe space for me to meet like-minded people without judgment and opened up possibilities, and today I am happily married to my soulmate thanks to Tinder!”

Tinder has long celebrated and supported the LGBTQIA+ community in Thailand and has empowered LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs through a unique local collaboration with Airbnb as well as hosted the first-of-its-kind “Made with Pride Singles Market”. Tinder also previously created an iconic Pride Wave in the heart of Bangkok, worked with NGOs such as the APCOM Foundation to align on relevant in-app Thai terminology, and also introduced Pride Stickers, providing all users—LGBTQIA+ and allies alike—with an authentic and relatable way to keep celebrating the community and inclusivity.
1. Tinder internal data from Matches, Pronouns, More Genders, Relationship Goals and Traveller Alert features pulled in May 2024 comparing May 1 2023 – May 1 2024.
2. Tinder internal data from Matches, Pronouns, More Genders, Relationship Goals and Traveller Alert features pulled in May 2024.
3. Censuswide survey carried out on 4000 respondents from the LGBTQIA+ community in the UK, US, Australia, and Canada aged 18 years and above from the 28th May to the 7th June 2024.
4. Survey of 7,000 18-25 year olds polled in Thailand in July 2024, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tinder.